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    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord Early Access - Beta Branch 1.3.0 Hotfix

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord Early Access - Beta Branch 1.3.0 Hotfix

    Bannerlord Early Access - Beta Branch 1.3.0 Hotfix

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Greetings, Peasants.



    Welcome to the patch thread, we make these threads to save us another pin space for other things.

    Taleworlds forum bug reporting thread

    Mount and Blade Discord

    Link to wiki - Previous patches and threads inside

    Patch Notes

    -Fixed an issue where newly created characters and other objects could get mixed up with each other. This created instability & possibly crashes. It was also responsible for broken companions and encyclopedia problems. The fix does not recover broken beta save games, but it should resolve the issue for new games. You can test this by checking if newly created characters or other objects have their own appropriate encyclopedia pages instead of another character's or object's page.

    -Fixed a rare crash that occurred when initialising the final phase of the main storyline for Imperial supporters.

    -Fixed a crash that occurred when choosing the "Try to get away" option in an encounter.

    -Fixed a Save & Load related crash that occurred when entering the training field with a companion.

    -Some lords were losing all their money and then starving. This was due to fortification taxes being too low, they have been increased by 25%. Also, NPC clan leaders now react faster to losing money and reduce their garrison sizes before going bankrupt.

    -Council of Commons policy effect was 1 influence per notable in the settlement, it is now 0.1 influence per notable. Also, +1 militia effect per notable is removed.

    -There was no waiting time after captured lords were released; they were spawning at the next daily tick, now they spawn at least 2 days later.

    -Lords spawn with 10% of their party size filled instead of 25%

    -Owners now calculate their settlements' values more conservatively. If there was any hostile action to their fiefs their defence score grew significantly and they and they would go directly there to help. This negatively affected all AI score calculation systems. Additionally, there were other mechanics using this value that were also affected negatively.

    -There was a relation penalty if a settlement was lost between the owner of that settlement and their king. It was settlement value / 20K, now it is square root value of settlement value / 100K, (nearly 10x reduced). For example, for losing a castle with an estimated value of 600K, the lost relation was 30 previously, now it is 3. This was causing big relation drops when a settlement was lost and which in turn caused clans to defect because of this loss in relation.

    -An influence penalty has been added for if a settlement is lost (25 for a castle, 50 for a town).

    -Fixed a bug that prevented the player from receiving a relation benefit after helping a lord they had met previously.

    -Cavalry advantage in simulations is reduced to 20% from 30%

    -Mercenary groups in taverns have increased in size (2x) and their average level has increased.

    -When a smelted item had a modifier, the wrong item could be removed from the inventory. It could also create instability in the inventory. This was fixed.

    Known Issues

    submitted by /u/Arthanias
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    Shrek in Bannerlord ... sorry.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    Breaking the Imperial spear wall, by nickelpot

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    I tried to make the Calradia map from Bannerlord in a game called Worldbox and this is how it turned out. It took me a while to make but it's nice.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:30 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    [PoP]Training with the elves

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    I tested every noble unit (x100) against an army of 199

    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    With the help of dev console mod I decided to test every noble unit x100 against an army of 199 that I stumbled across.

    Tested with everything set to realistic, and ai set to challenging, using the same save, scenario, settings, f6, etc. Tried veteran ai as well but the results were more or less the same. Tested on e1.2.1 with the unit stat fixes mod (v2.8).

    Here are my results.

    Noble Unit Name Battle Duration Win / Kills before loss Casualties (wounded/dead/retreated)
    Vlandian Banner Knight 4:19 48k before defeat 100 (74w/26d/0r)
    Aserai Vanguard Faris 6:47 160k before defeat 100 (69w/23d/8r)
    Imperial Elite cataphract 8:19 188k before defeat 100 (79w/21d/0r)
    Sturgian Druzhinnik Champion 5:42 Won 77 (53w/24d/0r)
    Khuzait Khan's Guard 2:21 Win 4 (4w/0d/0r)
    Battanian Fian Champion 1:25 Win 0..

    My observations:

    • Vlandian Banner Knights are paper
    • Faris make for decentish cavalry, probably better than Cataphracts offensively, but these guys are pansies, 8 of them ran away.
    • Cataphracts are really tanky, not the greatest cavalry but definitely hard to kill. Probably more op with reduced damage settings if that's how you like to play.
    • Sturgian Druzhinnik Champion are actually really good cavalry with proper unit stats, who knew.
    • Khan's guard goes pew pew while riding around everywhere, then turn into okayish melee cavalry after running out of arrows. I got annoyed watching them even though I wasn't the one fighting them. Not the most accurate archers, nor do they have the most arrows but are great in short fights on the open field, skirmishing and getting around quickly on the map.
    • Well.. Fian champs are overtuned to say the least. I didnt even hit f6. I literally just hit f3 and set them to loose formation where they spawned, not even on a hill or anything. Everything died then retreated before even really reaching them..

    I was going to do tests with mixed noble units but I don't see the point anymore now that I see that you're probably off just going full fian champs or khan's guard.

    So here's a bonus test instead. Only 50 Khan's guard, then only 50 Fian Champs.

    Noble Unit Name Battle Duration Win / Kills before loss Casualties (wounded/dead/retreated)
    Khuzait Khan's Guard 6:14 146k before defeat 50 (39w/11d/0r)
    Battanian Fian Champion 2:00 Win 13 (11w/2d/0r)

    Only hit F6 for the Khan's Guard battle, but for the Fian Champs battle, I started with just setting a loose formation where they spawned, then hitting F6 when the enemies got close, but it didn't look like much changed from me hitting F6 here.

    Khan's guard started out steady and strong it looked like, but then started getting absolutely demolished as soon as they started running out of arrows. These guys also kill things a lot slower than Fian champs. Observation? Not good for long drawn out fights, they're better in short fights and outside of sieges.

    Fian champs on the other hand barely even moved.. a few of them pulled out swords, but the majority of them stayed put for the most part while shooting everything down, even once enemy troops were in melee range or behind them.

    Sad but true story, 50 khan's guard is stronger than 100 banner knights. 50 fian champs is still better than 100 of anything. I already knew Fian Champs were stupid strong, but didnt think the difference was this huge.

    TL;DR? Fian champs op. Set them on a hill or something behind a few infantry or spearmen in a shield wall, circle or square formation, though you probably won't need that much since everything will die before even reaching you. Ranged units in general seem to be a bit overtuned atm.

    submitted by /u/lemon07r
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    Recent and interesting developer posts on the official forums

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Since not all of you are on the game's official forums or have time to sift through comments, I've decided to compile recent and interesting information posted there. Please feel free to comment with other posts that you may have found.

    • Saves started on the 1.3 beta version prior to yesterday's (06 May) hotfix might be broken due to the jumbled objects bug (new companions and other NPCs not being properly linked into a encyclopedia reference). [source]
    • Armies not joining siege defenses is a known bug and will be dealt with soon. [source]
    • Pre-hotfix (06 May) Council of Commons was responsible for 50% of all influence gain in the world. This influence inflation was also causing kings to override all decisions. [source]
    • Currently, AI lords get their revenue as follows: 60% from taxes; 35% from selling loot they get through battles; 5% from selling prisoners. This is causing lords going poor when their faction go through extended periods of peace, which in turn causes garrisons to be weak and fiefs to be lost when war starts again. A future patch will decrease battle loot income by 50% (only for NPCs) and will boost tax gains by 25% for everyone (player and NPCs). [source]
    • There are currently 3 Aserai castles incorrectly starting with 0 prosperity. They are: Tubilis Castle; Shibal Zumr Castle; Tamnuh Castle. This will also be fixed in a future patch. [source]
    • Hearth determines the production of villages. If it is lower than 200, your village produces 50% less than normal. If it is between 200 and 500, you get normal production. If it is above 500, you get a 50% increase from normal. Production is important because you get 50% of everything your villagers sell as taxes. [source]
    submitted by /u/somebadfeelings
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    One of the other lords asked me to train their 19 year old kid for a year. Now I have a mule riding squire.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Warband Mounted Archery Training IRL

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    TaleWorlds logo on Xbox Inside list of devs they are working with for games on Series X

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Unqid! 1084

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    What is the point of having a dungeon in your fief if captured enemy nobles can just walk right out in 2 days?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    I get the whole enemy noble escaping from captivity if you're dragging him around with your army. But if you put him in a dungeon, in a castle, surrounded by a garrison and a militia -- and in 2 days the guy just sashays right out the fucking gate... what did he do, wear a goddamn wig? Was there a struggle? Nobody's wounded...

    Basically, if there's no difference between sticking a prisoner in a pup tent or the belly of a fortified structure when it comes to escape odds... what's the point?

    submitted by /u/DontHateDefenestrate
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    After weeks of training in multiplayer, I've finally beat the final boss!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    To suffer defeat and humiliation in battle is bad enough, but to endure that shame in front of your wife? Sometimes death is merciful.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    It’s true..

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    When you tire of endless victory and seek a new 'conquest'.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Research into video games set in the past

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:10 AM PDT


    I'm from VALUE, a Dutch organisation at the crossroads between video games and the study of the past. We are researching the experience players have with the past when playing video games, and we would like to know your opinion/view on this topic too! If you are interested in the past as well as video games, could you help us out by filling in this survey? (https://leidenuniv.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ehqp7eTx2disbS5) At the end of the survey we will also be giving away one €20,- Steam Gift Card coupon for every 100 reponses.

    Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/oomzer
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    Hmmmm.... I din't know my clan was that kind of clan...

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    Looking for female companions

    Posted: 06 May 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Join Sturgia they said. Raganvad is a good ruler they said.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Kingdom Centralization

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    When reading the description of Battania it is stated: Ask any Battanian chieftain, however, whose "kingdom" he lives in, and he will look around at his hall and in his fields and his pastures, his flock and his retainers, and answer "Mine, of course."

    Why is it that Caladog can pass an edict that is enacted in every city, if each lord views himself as his own king? I would like a system that makes a kingdom more or less centralized and cities more or less autonomous. Clan and city specific edicts would bring about opinion, and maybe prosperity penalties in a kingdom like the empire, but not so in Battania or Khuzait kingdoms. Meanwhile, following the orders of the crown in the empire would allow small prosperity bonuses, or something to that effect to balance it out. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Yeeted_MD
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    Anyone else love doing this?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:30 AM PDT

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