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    Saturday, January 4, 2020

    Mount & Blade 9/10 raiders recommend this product

    Mount & Blade 9/10 raiders recommend this product

    9/10 raiders recommend this product

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:52 AM PST

    Me: mocking unrealistic poses in r34 pics. Meanwhile, my character in M&B:

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:24 AM PST

    Funny monk man

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:11 AM PST

    Taleworlds, please start advertising Bannerlord again. There is a ton of people who still don't even know its coming in march. You built so much hype during 2016-2017 and now I almost see nobody is talking about it, unlike back in 2016.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:57 AM PST

    It seems like the hype for the game outside people who still play Warband is completely dead. Im not sure if they want this as the game is launching into EA, and perhaps they will market the game more once they are ready for a ''full'' release date.

    We cant let this game get lost in the wind and overshadowed by everything. 2020 is going to be incredible for gaming, but most dont seem to know that Bannerlord is even coming out. You seriously lost everyones hype when you fucked up back in 2016. Stating you're ''confident'' you're going to get the game out in 2017 when you were hoping for a release in 2016, then went radio silent in 2018. Then you release a beta almost NOBODY gets to play and then you annouce you're going to launch into EA. Now its almost march, and I havent seen a single bit of advertising for the game.

    This is a google trend image of how relevant Bannerlord is.


    You can see it was massive in 2016, then slowly went down. If the game seriously comes out without even fucking IGN having it on their upcoming games list, then you're clearly failed with your marketing team. Don't do a valve and just randomly release it thinking the community will do all the advertising for it. (As valve was planning to do with HLA, they werent even going to have a trailer originally.)

    The community WILL advertise the game if ITS GOOD. But we dont know if its going to release in a good state. If you release the game fucking dead and in a bad state, you can bet its going to be hard to recover. If you at least release it in a popular but broken state, theres a bigger chance people will stay and wait around. Remember not all of your Warband players are going to be able to play Bannerlord, as Bannerlord will obviously require a much better rig. I am still extremely excited for the game, but I was more excited years ago.

    List of popular channels videos that don't even mention Bannerlord in their upcoming games list of 2020.





    submitted by /u/Wayyzzz
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    Meanwhile, there are worrying news from the Kingdom of Vaegirs. We cannot contact King Yaroglek for any information on the current situation.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:07 AM PST

    Rhodok Space Program, (c. 1257)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 11:58 AM PST

    Just randomized it and I picked up Idubbbz.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:35 AM PST

    nice! got the achivement too

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:27 AM PST

    Troops should be sorted in alphabetical order automatically when viewed on the map. This isn't an automated process on this modpack, I've just sorted it to look like that.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:57 AM PST

    Everybody acting all gangsta till they see this bad boy rolling towards a castle

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:35 PM PST


    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Will WW3 affect bannerlord release?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:20 PM PST

    Mount and blade Warband mods

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:23 AM PST

    Hey everyone! I've been playing Mount and Blade Warband for 190 hours ish, and want to get into mods. Which ones do you guys recommend? I've seen the Floris mod on youtube, is that a good one? Thx everyone

    submitted by /u/KinkyCouple0401
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    How do I increase the prosperity of a village?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:47 AM PST

    Whenever I get assigned a fief for the first time I get a dirt poor village, which is fine except I have no idea how to actually improve its prosperity. Even during peacetime where the danger of raids is minimal, they don't seem to do much of anything to drag themselves out of poverty, so how do I improve a village? Do I just wait or is there a way to speed it up?

    submitted by /u/lordshitposter
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    AI lords holding position in battle

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:28 PM PST

    As the title says, in battle with an ally lord they'll park their troops across from the enemy army. The enemy lord(s) also take a defensive position and the only way to force both armies to engage is by running into melee distance and leading their army to my allies.

    It's sometimes taxing on my health bar if they have crossbow line on a hill or something.. I just want my allied lords to charge so i can get into a melee and kill everybody without the risk of taking 20 bolts to the face.

    This is the only place where warband falls short for me. I could understand positioning archers somewhere and being somewhat defensive but the 10 minute standoffs of archers missing eachother while infantry/cav stare at eachother is SUPER boring.

    Is there any way around this besides chad pulling?

    submitted by /u/Chanoris
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    you've got to be kidding me..

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 06:07 PM PST

    Warsword (the warhammer one) help

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:15 AM PST

    How do I install the mod, I installed it, dragged and dropped that patch over it, did something with the exe that comes with it and still can't work it out.

    submitted by /u/Pandoras-Acress
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    Is it possible to get Floris to stop with the error message [Unable to run due to WSE]

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:47 AM PST

    Is it possible to pick which fief is discussed with vassals before awarding?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 06:45 PM PST

    Hello, Im playing with Diplomacy mod and have started my own kingdom for the first time. I got two honorable lords but had to take two martial ones as well just to get some bodies on the map. I am thinking of accepting a calculating Lord with High renown but I only have 11 points of relation with him. I would like to try and persuade at least my martial Lords to agree he should get a village. I have about 12 unassigned villages but they all want to talk about one way out in the corner of the map. Is there anyway to pick a new village or fief and make that the fief discussed? I conquered a town left it unasigned and they all wanted to talk about bfe village. I had open castles, they all want bfe village. It doesnt even look like it goes in prosperity order either because before they were interested in talking about a poor village in another far flung location before they all got enamored with bfe village. Is there anyway to focus discussion on the village of your choice? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/pooping_turtles
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    I have completely wiped out a kingdon what happens to them now?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:06 PM PST

    After 1600 days i have completely wiped out the sarranids where do they go? What happebs to them?

    submitted by /u/iamnumberzero1
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    Giving names to your troops

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 02:44 PM PST

    Anyone does this? I sometimes like to do a bit of RP when i am running a small party, pretend i have an actual retinue and not just a clone army. In my recent save where i was doing a short run not really bothering to do all the usual stuff like conquering cities i had 3 Swadian Knights i personally trained up from raw recruits, i wanted to jokingly name them Athos, Porthos and Aramis. Then we took on a bit more then we could handle, some 37 Sea Raiders, and one of them died, i felt guilty because i forced the encounter in hope of scoring some sweet loot. Tried to replace the guy with a manhunter we liberated from another group of bandits, but he didn't live very long, and i don't think the other two liked him very much, seeing how he was a slaver after all. So we ended the save as a three man band, those two Swadian Knights were still both higher level and better stats when i decided to call it quits(though of course in practice i was always the one taking majority of the enemy down, of course they were no slouches but i did do a disproportionate number of casualties compared to my level and gear).

    What i love about Warband top level units and especially top level units of some of the mods like Phantasy Calradia or Perisno is that any one of them could be a hero tier in another story.

    I had a save where i recruited a bunch of Swadian troops and upgraded them to tier 3 because that's the point where they fit perfectly into the role of a palace guard, third level troops like Swadian Militia would on the other hand fit well in the role of town watch.

    submitted by /u/samoja1
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