• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 27, 2020

    Mount & Blade Development Update #5: Ranged Combat Update

    Mount & Blade Development Update #5: Ranged Combat Update

    Development Update #5: Ranged Combat Update

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    Previous Patch Thread

    Mount and Blade Discord

    An update from TaleWorlds about some recent patches.

    Update in video format

    Link to original post

    Greetings warriors of Calradia, and welcome to development update #5!

    By now, you should already know the format, so let's jump straight into the video!


    A substantial change to ranged combat is in the works that aims to present you with a more meaningful choice when selecting a ranged weapon by making each of them more distinct from one another.

    Currently, all ranged weapons share the same aiming system, with the initial crosshair and accuracy timings being the same across the board. With this update, each weapon will have its own unique aiming curve. For example, short bows will reach their maximum accuracy faster and be able to hold their aim for longer, while longbows will take more time to reach their maximum accuracy and have a shorter window for aiming, but will deal higher single-shot damage.

    This change applies to all ranged weapons, including bows, crossbows and throwing weapons, giving each weapon a unique feeling in this subtle but impactful update to ranged gameplay.


    Education is a feature that will allow you to interact with and shape your offspring and other young clan members as they reach certain ages throughout their childhood. This will present you with a number of choices similar to your own character creation for each progression stage, giving you much more control over how your clan develops over time.


    An update to mangonels is on its way that will bring them closer to their historical anti-infantry routes by giving you the option to fling multiple smaller projectiles towards the enemy instead of a single boulder.


    A horse! A horse! my kingdom for a horse!

    Horses that fall in combat can now be crippled or even killed outright, with lame horses that go on to fall in future battles being permanently downed. So be sure to look after your four-legged friend or be prepared to meet the same fate as King Richard III.


    A new radial order menu is being worked on to make the game more accessible for those of you who are playing with game controllers. This menu is still a work in progress and we are very much open to feedback on it so please make sure to let us know what you think!


    A change to prisoner recruitment is on the horizon that aims to bring some balance to the feature and add a little depth by making recruitment slightly more difficult. With the change, recruiting prisoners will incur a morale penalty for your party. However, we do also plan to add perks that will make recruitment easier and that will reduce the morale penalty.


    We recently added a new way to follow parties on the world map to make things a little less tedious when performing certain tasks. To do this, you simply need to hold down the Left Alt key and click on the party that you want to follow.


    Finally, we have a new Battanian armour on its way. This armour features a decorative bronze disk and tartan shawl over a sturdy chainmail vest.


    And that's it for development update #5! Please make sure to leave a reply in the comment section below to let us know what you think of the changes.

    Thanks for watching, and we hope to see you again next time!

    submitted by /u/Arthanias
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    I felt clever

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    Made a tablut board.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Best thing I found online

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:58 AM PDT


    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    What do you think?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    Ottoman soldiers(from artstation)(would like to see this armor in bannerlord)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Mod that introduces formation targeting (telling your troops which formation to attack). Can we have something similar for Multiplayer in the future?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    What is the highest "shot difficulty" you hit?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I just (After 1300~ hours of warband) hit a 14.4 with a bow.

    just took the shot, over a mountain, in the night, having no idea where they were. I wish I recorded it.

    submitted by /u/br0macia
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    I didn't expect you all to like my post about the longest sword I managed to craft. So here is a video of the looong boi in action

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    The Great Defence of Jalmarys. though heavily out numbered, William and his Latinikoi earn Victory

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    How the mighty have fallen

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    (Warband - NOT Bannerlord - Stop Asking) On Companions, Specialists, and the Best Party In the Game

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, this is a follow up post to this one where I exposed Jeremus as only the second best party surgeon in vanilla warband. The blowback was not as severe as I was expecting, so I decided to do a follow up post going into more detail about other specialists, and which companions to avoid/gather to form the "objectively" best party possible. Honestly, this subreddit does a better job explaining how this game works than the game does itself. This guide obviously doesn't work for mods that change the companions in the game.

    Now, every companion likes exactly one other, and dislikes two others. This means that the largest "stable over time party" a player can use contains eight heroes. At least, that's what everyone thought. In this post, someone ran a python script and determined there is exactly ONE stable-over-time party of 10 companions in the game. It is as follows, and I quote:

    Alayen (L: Ymira, DL: Nizar, Marnid)

    Artimenner (L: Lezalit, DL: Klethi, Jeremus)

    Baheshtur (L: Rolf, DL: Katrin, Marnid)

    Borcha (L: Marnid, DL: Deshavi, Klethi)

    Bunduk (L: Katrin, DL: Lezalit, Rolf)

    Katrin (L: Bunduk, DL: Baheshtur, Firentis)

    Matheld (L: Nizar, DL: Ymira, Jeremus)

    Nizar (L: Matheld, DL: Alayen, Firentis)

    Rolf (L: Baheshtur, DL: Deshavi, Bunduk)

    Ymira (L: Alayen, DL: Matheld, Lezalit)

    While some heroes dislike each other in this party, in each case there is also a hero that they do like, which evens it out. If you are careful in the order in which your recruit them, and fight enough battles to trigger all the approval-disapproval interactions, AND support everyone equally in those interactions, no one should ever try to leave the party. This is "objectively" the best party in the game for three reasons:

    1. More Companions = More Points in Trainer = Faster Troop Upgrades
    2. More Companions = More Invincible Soldiers That Cannot Die
    3. This party has (almost all) the best Specialists in the game (will explain in a bit)

    Now keep in mind that this party is not one in which you can safely raid villages. However, if you are careful with your finances you should never be in a situation where you NEED to do that. Also, the disapproval for raiding villages ONLY applies AFTER the village is looted. You can safely raid a village to lure Sanjar Khan into a dismounted nightmare with your huscarls and then cancel before the village is completely looted for no penalty.

    Now here are the specialists for this party (some of whom may surprise you).

    Medic - Ymira

    Pathfinder - Borcha

    Engineer - Nizar

    Trader - Alayen

    Looter - *Baheshtur

    *Baheshtur is not your ideal looter, since Ymira can technically reach 30 agility sooner, but Ymira is already your medic (something much more important), and you will probably want Baheshtur to have a high agility score anyway for the purposes of riding and horse archery.

    Medic - Ymira

    As I explained in my last post (so I won't go into much detail here at all), Ymira is actually the best-suited companion to this role in the game. Yes, she's even slightly better than Jeremus. This is mostly due to her lower starting level.

    Pathfinder - Borcha

    Yes, even though Deshavi and Klethi both start out lower level than Borcha, he is still the best Pathfinder in the game. The girls simply don't have the Int scores to compete with this horse thief, and actually reach 30 Int later in the game than he does.

    Engineer - Nizar

    This is probably the first controversial pick. It mostly comes down to the fact that Artimenner is shockingly terrible (he doesn't reach 30 Int until level 25!). Nizar is a better engineer than Artimenner. Deshavi is a better engineer than Artimenner. Hell, even Klethi - an illiterate peasant girl who thinks books contain evil spells - is a better engineer than Artimenner. Marnid is tied with Ymira as the overall best engineer, but Marnid is not in this party and Ymira is already the Medic (a much more important role). To be honest, I'm not really fond of the traditional role of Engineers, since there are only two party skills: Tactics and Engineering (+ Trainer, but everyone's a Trainer) as opposed to the usual three. Since it's Nizar, the great poet, I would suggest adding Persuasion to the mix so he can be your diplomat come late-game.

    Trader - Alayen

    As it turns out, Marnid isn't the best at everything. Believe it or not, Alayen is actually best-suited to the Trader Party Skill out of any other companion in the game. Yes, he is even better than Marnid, a professional trader who hates his guts -- which is something that I personally find hilarious. Alayen can reach 30 Charisma by level 24, the lowest out of any companion in the game. Since he's also a noble, you could also increase his leadership to 10 as well in order to get a badass vassal late-game. If you do this, you will also have to ditch either Matheld or Ymira in order to keep the party stable (guess which one I recommend). Whoever you choose can become your minister, since all companions are equally-qualified to be your minister and are each better than the "prominent nobleman" alternative. Once Alayen is gone you can safely pick up Marnid, who will dislike Baheshtur but will be like Borcha and thus be stable (Baheshtur will dislike Marnid but still be cool with Baron Rolf). Marnid can then become anything you want him to. He can become a badass fighter, replace Alayen as your trader, or even replace Ymira as your Medic if you were crazy enough to yeet her instead of Matheld.

    Looter - Baheshtur

    Klethi is actually the best looter in the game, as she can reach 30 agility by level 21. However, she is not in this party and so is not up for consideration. Everyone else is pretty meh, but -- as mentioned above -- Baheshtur is probably the best suited in this case for role-play reasons. Looting overall is a very ok skill to have, but by the time you can max it out you should already have more gear than your know what to do with. It's only other use is for raiding villages, as it reduces the time needed to do it. This might actually end up biting your in the ass if you're not careful. If you try to lure Sanjar Khan into the dismounted village trap but finish looting the village before he catches you, you are up shit creek. Not only will Ymira and Bunduk hate your guts, not only will you be slowed down by all the plunder you looted, not only will the village hate you forever, but the glitch that makes the trap worth it won't even work!

    That's all I have for you today. Please leave your thoughts below along with any criticisms and observations you might have.

    submitted by /u/2woke4ufgt
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    You can finally mod massive battles for fun on 1.5.4. Being a mere soldier in a massive battle is therapeutic (Following AI commanders, not so much)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Oh hell to the no no (yes my screen is dirty)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    Did bannerlord actually came to consoles

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    How to win 53 vs 4?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Inheritance Suggestion

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    I think different kingdoms should have different forms of inheritance if possible

    Battania: They should have a sort of election (like a moot in skyrim) but more like the more powerful clans should elect a candidate from their clan and after a designated time period in which they can sway lord and help their campaign, all nobles come together in sort of a feast where they also submit their votes.

    (Also i believe that after an empire "kingdom" becomes more powerful than the others or conquers the other it should rename itself as the Empire and change its inheritance except the southern empire)

    Sturgia: Should Stay as it is

    Vlandia: Stay as it is

    Northern Empire: Should stay normal until they become the empire and when they do they should have a system similar to the roman republic with elections every year or few years

    Western Empire: Should stay normal until they become the empire and then when the ruler dies they pick a leader through a series of tournaments or whoever has the most military victories

    Southern Empire: Should Stay normal even after they become the Empire.

    Khuzait Khanate: Should stay normal

    Aserai: Should stay normal

    But these are just my opinions so any of you can state yours

    submitted by /u/SirFantasyWriter
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    Have Barbers disappeared in 1.5.3?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    Can't find a single one. I walked in every town centers.

    submitted by /u/DukeLebowski
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    i require assistance

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Any recommendations on which minor clan to massacre first?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    So I am playing a playthrough where almost all I do is hunt down, defeat and execute lords. What minor clan should I go after first?

    submitted by /u/DonkeyDetremony
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    Got a new PC. Floris Mod is still working

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:12 PM PDT

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