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    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Mount & Blade My buddies and I recreating an encounter with Looters for an upcoming sketch

    Mount & Blade My buddies and I recreating an encounter with Looters for an upcoming sketch

    My buddies and I recreating an encounter with Looters for an upcoming sketch

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Every multiplayer match

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Weird Mounts in Bannerlord

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    Bannerlord - Annoying state of the perk system

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    I just need to rant for a second. I stopped playing Bannerlord about 2 months ago because I got a bit tired of what the game had to offer at that moment and I decided to wait for a bit until TW implements some of the essential stuff.

    Fast forwards 2 months later, I thought about playing the game again but I decided to take a look on perks tree, because last time I've played I trained my character to a certain level only to discover that almost every perk that I've chosen was not working.

    So I take a look at that perk tree and all I can see is that 2 months has passed and almost nothing changed. For butter's sake. Now, I can understand that TW is trying to re-work the perk tree and such but come the funk on. At this point there is nothing to redo because it wasn't done in the first place. Many of these perks looks really simple, like the ability to use some bows on horse back. I can see that they want to re-design some of the perks but couldn't they at least fill the holes until they come up with something better?

    It's just so disappointing to take a look at this game after waiting for a couple of months and still see shit like this, that only 30% of the perks are working.

    I understand that they are working on other things like performance, bug fixing etc. but I can see that they are focusing on some petty stuff too, like fine tuning some mechanics that surely add some flavor to the game but, at least in my opinion, are not nearly as important as - I don't know - maybe a working character development system -.-

    I don't know anymore. I know it has been a tough situation world wide and that TW might have other priorities for this game and so on. It's just a bit disappointing to check on this game after 2 months and see this gaping hole of a system stare back at me like nothing happened


    My issue with the perk system wouldn't be this big if TW would simply put a real place holder, indicating that perks do not work. Or grey out icons of the perks that don't work. Instead we have this misleading clusterf*ck of a tree with some of the perks not working at all, some of them half broken (some because of math errors - which is simply amazing on it's own) and some of them working as intended. And now the easiest way to check which one is not broken is to visit some 3rd party site made by some dedicated folk, who tracks down parts of the code responsible for the perks and confirms if they are working.

    This is ridiculous.


    I also understand that they are busy with fixing game crashing bugs / performance / AI


    There were number of tweaks to the gameplay outside of these fields with changes that are next to meaningless, at least with the current state of the game. What this game offers right now is mostly fun experience with battles, gathering your own army and doing some additional activities like trying to have some relations with other characters and doing some quests. So the way I see it is that working perk tree would benefit the parts of the game that already work and bring fun.

    submitted by /u/Czekierap
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    Smithing to make money seems extremely overpowered, i can make a sword worth 100k using almost no materials

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    Fixing the Warband Config tool on Ubuntu/Linux!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    So I've spent the past few days trying to get the "Configure Mount&Blade Warband" menu to work properly and I've finally gotten it working, I figured I'd post the steps I followed since I had a hell of a time finding solutions for the issue.

    FIRST! Install VLC, that's where I found the libraries the config tool needed.

    Then open a Terminal window in the Warband directory and run the following command:

    ldd mbw_config_linux

    That should give you a list of all the libraries you need (it should say "not found" by any that are missing). Search and find each missing library and then, for each one, run the following terminal command:

    sudo ln -s /PATH /usr/lib (replace PATH with the location of each missing library, one of mine was "sudo ln -s /snap/vlc/1700/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicuuc.so.60 /usr/lib")

    Make sure they now appear in the /usr/lib directory.

    Then run the following Terminal command:

    sudo apt-get install qt5-default

    I can't guarantee this'll work for everyone, but it worked for me.

    submitted by /u/thellamapocalypse
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    Is Smithing Broken in Bannerlord? Fuck yes!!! I'm rich as fuck on Day 3!!!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    First off, I'm a little drunk. Anyway, I figured I would see if it's possible to become a rich-ass Smith without doing anything else from the start. I created a character and ended up with 3 Attributes in everything. I started the playthrough and ended up in Zeonica because Poros didn't have any fucking Pugios. Bought 2 Pugios. IMPORTANT!!! I started with points in Throwing because you get 2 stacks of Throwing Spears and that shit is worth a ton of cash. So, I sold that crap and I bought Pugios and Hardwood and started making the standard stupid Long Warsword 2-Handed Sword. I made it, saw what it unlocked, and if the design unlocks sucked I'd re-load my save and Wait for a few seconds to reset the unlocked designs and try again. Eventually (fucking 30 real life minutes) I unlocked the Pine Javelin Shaft. So I saved and stared making Pine Javelins. Each time would only unlock 2 designs but I could make 3 before I ran out of Stamina so fuck it. After cycling and save-scumming for another half hour or so I unlocked the Imperial Simple Spear Head. At this point, the financial battle is won, because an Imperial Pine Javelin stack is worth 35,975 denars. But I wanted more. So I cycled and save-scummed for 30 minutes until I unlocked the Mahogany Javelin Shaft which, when coupled with the Imperial Simple Spear Head, gives you a Javelin stack worth 105,775 denars.. How long did this take (in-game)? It's Summer 4, 1084. So, yeah, at Day 3 in-game I can create weapons worth 106k that take 1 Iron, 1 Hardwood, and 1 Charcoal to create. That's kind of fucked up. Anyway, 1.4.2, no mods.

    submitted by /u/Rafi89
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    10 Essential tips for Beginners (even some Veterans)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Hot tip- companions with parties will convert bandits to regular troops with enough xp.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Bannerlord feels significantly easier than Warband

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    I have been playing Bannerlord on and off since my initial 200 hour binge at the month it launched because of features not working properly or not being implemented, a broken economy, and the lack of depth for the political intrigue side of things. I wanted to go back and play Warband, just to see what all has changed and what they happened to get right (and wrong) in Bannerlord. The biggest difference, besides the graphics and the UI is how HARD Warband is. At least in the beginning.

    I occasionally made the mistake of reaching over to sip my coffee while forwarding time and getting caught out by a bandit party and getting absolutely fucked early on when I am scrounging up cash in tournies, depending on what they were. Desert bandits? Pls no. Looters? 2 ez. Sea Raiders? Alt F4. In the event I was captured they would take at least a third of my gold and a handful of my belongings/food.You have to be ever vigilant at the start of the game and be mindful of where you are to avoid harder encounters. Bandit parties can be cheesed once you are set up with some decent troops (Sea Raider farming) but they are something to always be mindful of when you are near their spawns. They will fuck you up if they group together, even if you have a mid tier army.
    Bannerlord doesn't really do this. At the start of the game if you have a spear and a horse you can pretty much travel solo no issue due to most parties being shitty looters (that no longer have their tactical nuke rocks). If you get captured because you get cocky and fuck up its not the end of the world. You can just not pay their ransom and majority of the time they don't take anything from your inventory and don't touch your gold. Any troops you had can be immediately rescued from the band of brigands that captured you because most of your units will get KOd instead of killed, unlike Warband.

    Combat also feels a bit harder in Warband, but also a bit better. It feels a little floaty, but at the same time very snappy and responsive. Bannerlord has more weight to it and it feels good in its own way, but not as good as Warbands IMO. The AI is easily cheesed in Bannerlord by feinting your attack then following it up by a real one, even on the hardest difficulty. You can kind of do the same thing in Warband but to a lesser extent. The Arena bots tend to ignore your faints and opt to bash your face in with whatever they are holding.

    submitted by /u/OverlordTouchMe
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    Battle of Patay 1429 AD - Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orleans - Hundred Years War (Warband)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    Bannerlord tips for playing at full difficulty?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I've always played at full difficulty since M&B's beta, but Bannerlord is kicking my ass, mostly with regard to getting enough cash together to get past the mercenary phase. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/FrankManic
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    Will I be able to run Bannerlord at all?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I have a laptop


    GTX 1050Ti 4GB
    Intel i7-8750H
    8GB DDR4 2666Mhz

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Draekeer
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    [PoP] Arbalest or Arquebus for CKO?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    I want to equip my sergeants with either the arquebus or the mettenheim arbalest, which one would be better? (Or that you prefer)

    submitted by /u/uthgerdthebigchap
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    "Royal Court" - proposed mechanic

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    How do i ransom leaders of armys?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    I captured a count of an army in my holy crusade i tried taking him to the ransom broker but it would not let me sell him how do i sell the important people

    submitted by /u/cdwitkop
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    How are you supposed to use Aserai troops?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Since I got the game, I've decided to six campaigns where in each of them I only use one culture's troops (and their respective minor factions). I've gotten along pretty well with all of the other factions (except Battania), but I can't figure out how to use Aserai troops effectively. I know that you aren't supposed to just send them in without any tactics, but whatever tactics I do use with them results in them getting crushed.

    I really want to know how to use the Aserai effectively because I really like how they look. I know that they have some really useful units, like their archers. I'm just not sure on how to put all of the pieces together.

    submitted by /u/CAPC0M01
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    Now I see why armies dig ditches and moats.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    How do I enable auto perk allocation for my clan? I can't click the box, and I want my separate parties to be more self sufficient.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Will the series still be on sale during the summer sale?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    I'd like to buy the Mount and Blade Full Collection, but I'm waiting for the summer sale to see if there's anything else I could buy since I've been waiting for months to buy some games.

    Will the series still be on sale during the summer sale?

    submitted by /u/Doneos
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    Just saw banner Lord in a mobile game ad

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    I was watching an ad for rewards in a mobile game and I 80% of the ad was banner Lord gameplay. (I'd post a picture but I can't find the ad again) it was for a game called war and order.

    submitted by /u/crazyturd1
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    Why all the hate for Khergits?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    I absolutely love Khergits especially the lancers that i can win a battle against a 90 man army with only about 60 26 are lancers yet i still win with only about 3 or 4 deaths sometimes i only get wounded instead of dead i don't understand why people hate them they conquered all of the desert and have not lost any territory at all

    submitted by /u/GeneralGoldy
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    Infantry Shield Wall Formation when in Army - Problem

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Using the cheap back line of archers to destroy incoming infantry, with a tight line of infantry compressed into a shield wall.

    I have found this formation very effective, especially when my troop size is between 120-230 units.

    I am moving on to the mid game now, and regularly need to have an army formed.

    The problem i have is, in an Army, my foot infantry does not want to form a tight shield wall. When I choose F3+F2, they raise their shields and then spread out like they are social distancing. A nice pretty grid formation, that is useless against incoming infantry.

    In this formation they regularly get destroyed 3 on 1 in the middle of the formation. Also the formation becomes way to wide and too deep.


    How do I get the infantry to stay packed tight in a shield formation, when controlling an army?

    Small note: I notice that i can control the infantry as normal, when i form the army and i am the only one in so far (the rest have not arrived). So i am not sure if this weird formation is as a result of the having an 'army' or if its related to the number of foot infantry on the field.

    Whatever the case, this formation sucks and i loose so many troops because of it.

    any help?

    Edit: thanks for the comments, the answer was a mounted character in charge of the infantry. Selecting infantry and pressing F5 will dismount any character on a horse. This what was causing the messed up formations. Thanks for answers! (Google didn't help)

    submitted by /u/babumy
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