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    Monday, December 30, 2019

    Mount & Blade Kurultai - Calradic Campaign #48

    Mount & Blade Kurultai - Calradic Campaign #48

    Kurultai - Calradic Campaign #48

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:28 PM PST

    The old Noyan look down upon his rival's warriors, upon the horsehair standards and lamellar vests, gleaming in their battle array. The sky had been dark for weeks, but a ray of light pierced the clouds and he saw behind the veil the clear blue of heaven.

    Ancestors, spirits of winds, of mountains, of wolves and of the great unending sky, he thought, Let me scour this shame on our people today, or let me not see tomorrow if I should fail. His mind's eye lingered back to the Kurultai.

    A black plume of smoke reached into the great unending sky. A fearsome gale rolled black clouds over the Earth, and heaven shielded its sight from the great shame below.

    The remains of the yurts smouldered, and wolves lingered amidst the arrow stricken elders. The Kurultai, the most sacred of Khergit rites, was violated. The old Noyan looked despondently down upon the blasphemy before him, but a sight in the distance caused him to stir - he raised his eyes to see a standard appear over the hill opposite the Kurultai. Who else but he? The old would-be-Khan growled.

    Beneath that standard, the youngest Noyan of the Khanate looked across and thought the same. Both departed in haste, so hateful in their purpose that the old patriarchs and matriarchs of the great Khergit clans would lay as carrion upon the earth - without mourning, without burial, and without honour.

    The old Noyan stirred again, as a flash of lighting split the sky far in the distance. All prayed that the great din of battle would reach high enough to heaven, and lift from them the ire of the Gods - or had their ancient parents abandoned them already?

    In Meta Terms

    This Saturday, January 4th, we will usher in the new decade with a Khergit civil war! The contenders, Isla and Milan Noyan, will battle it out in a field battle and then in a special "Kill the King" round to determine who will be the next Great Khan of the Khergits!

    To participate simply join our server at the proper time as well as our discord to coordinate with your team!

    Server Info

    • When: Saturday, January 4th, 4:00PM EDT
    • Server: Calradic_Campaign
    • Password: reddit
    • Voice:Mount&Blade Discord

    Calradic Campaign Map

    Calradic Campaign Starter Guide

    Becoming Involved in the Calradic Campaign

    The Calradic Campaign team is always looking for new additions, whether it be scene makers, technical wizards, writers, or anything else of use.

    Particularly, we are always looking for mapping talent. Don't be constrained by our regular format either, get creative - an unorthodox battle map, a new dueling map, a really innovative use of an underused game mode, anything!

    If you'd like to contribute your area of expertise, be sure to join our Discord to connect with the members of our team. Many of us earned our positions by bringing something new to the Campaign. We hope you'll join us in continuing one of the top community events in Warband!

    Donating to the Calradic Campaign

    The Calradic Campaign server is our own, and we run it ourselves on a donation basis as we have for years. We now have a Patreon that you can put in a monthly or one time amount to contribute. There are multiple reward tiers with more coming, and with a larger pool of money we can expand our community events (like Mod Night!) as well as preparing for the expected high server costs of Bannerlord.

    Leave any question, complaints, observations, memes and faction based riffing in the comments below!

    submitted by /u/Mephistopholees
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    When you save some peasants from being another lord's prisoner, only to "hire" them into your army instead

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:07 AM PST

    The Red Feast

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:49 PM PST

    In a recent playthrough, I was witness to perhaps the greatest unscripted plot twist in Calradic history. It played out like something out of Game of Thrones.

    As a vassal of King Ragnar of the Nords, we were waging a laughably one-sided war against the Kingdom of Swadia. Because of Swadia's feasting habits, we did not ever encounter any of their armies in the field as we grinded down castle after castle. It was early in the game, so no one else had taken any Swadian fiefs yet. We had taken Suno, Ryibelet and Derchios Castle. Ragnar was particularly fond of our Marshall, Jarl Irya, cursed be his name, so he awarded every captured fief to him.

    Then, treason. The former Lord of Tihr was found guilty of crimes against the realm and was exiled. His fiefs were awarded once again to Jarl Irya, cursed be his name.

    The campaign ends on a high note and the marshal hosts a feast in the city of Tihr. All the lords are invited. I decide to rescue a kidnapped girl from Sargoth before joining the feast myself.

    The feast is well underway and every lord is in the keep. Their parties are (presumably) wandering around the city drunk and partying, all under the watchful eyes of the garrison.

    As I attempt to enter the city, a few ruffians (sea raiders hiding in the texture) remark on the aesthetics qualities of the head that I have on my shoulders and what they would like to do with it. After a brief scuffle, the treachary was revealed.

    As I returned to the overworld, I was greeted with the message that Jarl Irya had defected to the Kingdom of Swadia. All of the lords and ladies in the keep, including King Ragnar, were immediately thrown into the dungeon. More than half our kingdom, including the fiefs we had so bravely taken from Swadia, had flipped with Irya, cursed be his name.

    At this time, I also received word that Sargoth had been besieged by King Harlaus... and the entire Swadian army. Count Irya was more than happy to join them in sacking the city. Less than a month of hopeless defense later, the Kingdom of the Nords was no more.

    "And now the rains weep o'er our halls, with no one left to hear."

    submitted by /u/2woke4ufgt
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    Another bannerlord map exploit

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:28 PM PST

    Will there be another Prophesy of Pendor update?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:24 PM PST

    Is this master plan of making Rolf right full ruler of Calradia possible?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:16 AM PST

    You play as a female, you get a fief for an independent kingdom, you announce Rolf as a vassal, you join a kingdom, you marry Rolf, you and him Rebel and you announce him as king, you conquor the world? Is this possible?

    submitted by /u/DoucheWithAGun
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    Updated! M&B Helper Script

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:59 AM PST

    Only took me 8 years, but I finally remade my old popular M&B helper script and a little tutorial of how to use it!

    Download for correct AHK version, the script, and some more info all included this time.


    #ahk #script #modding #mountblade

    submitted by /u/effep
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    What the best troop counter for khergits?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:03 AM PST

    I always have 80 swadian cavalry a mixture of both man at arms and knights and also 50 sarranid cavalry also a mixture of both tiers but,these troops can easilt wipe out any army of 300 with little to no dead units but whenever i get into a battle with the khergits one troop dying after another keeps me insane their archers are hard to kill because of how fast their horses are are there anyway i can beat the khergits while keeping me sane?

    submitted by /u/iamnumberzero1
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    To when should I wait before I start my kingdom?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:55 PM PST

    So I've started a kingdom just once before on another game and got trashed in seconds.Ive got Almerra and Weyyah castles 89 right to rule,wife and 50+ relationship with some Lords,do I wait for a town or something else?(native)

    submitted by /u/AnthonyTheBg
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    Why are no countries at war?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:26 AM PST

    I'm a new player on M&B: Warband, in Swadia, and recently I got made a vassal, but I have a problem where literally none of the countries in my game are at war with each other, which is super boring. Is this a bug? And if not, is there any way to fix it?

    submitted by /u/JaegerHR
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    Mount & Blivion

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:10 AM PST

    Bones of Ragnvald 2020 Trailer

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:21 PM PST

    New "100 Years War" Mod Is Fun

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:54 PM PST

    I've been playing this new mod and it's been a lot of fun. It takes place in France, 1429. Just wanted to share. The Moddb link is here https://www.moddb.com/mods/deeds-of-arms-chivalry

    Here's a highlight of me playing the mod on full realism and competing in a tournament, day 1, level 1. Headless knights edition ;)


    submitted by /u/Master_Rawl
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    How to manage inventory with low INT?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:00 PM PST

    I'm a new player who's ~50 days into my campaign and have stumbled upon a new problem: I can't fit enough goods in my inventory.

    I've already been leveling up my player in every attribute aside from INT (My INT is level 5), so I don't really see leveling up INT as feasible to me unless I want to waste a significant amount of points.

    Is there any workaround to being able to store more items comfortably? Any up to date mods? Or do I have to just suck it up and put points into INT?

    submitted by /u/DepressedOstrich
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    How to get bannerlord beta?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:36 PM PST

    I recently got a pc and love mount and blade warband but how would you get your hands on the beta?

    submitted by /u/Tigger291
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    Randomly at war with a kingdom?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:53 PM PST

    Hey all.

    In my current playthrough I have seemingly entered a personal war with the Rhodoks as a vassal of the Khergit Khanate despite being on decent terms with them and my faction not being at war with them. Is this a bug? Can a kingdom declare personal war on me? I just built a thing in Dhirim and now I can't use it because it's at war with me! Help!

    submitted by /u/Beytran70
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    Refused to ransom enemy lord, now I can’t get rid of him. What should I do?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:40 AM PST

    Hi guys! Very new player here. I recently won a battle and took an enemy lord prisoner. When the ransom offer came I refused in the hopes that someone would eventually offer me a higher sum but so far nobody has. The contract I was fighting under expired but this lord is still in my custody and I kinda want him out since he's sapping my men's morale. Trouble is I can't find any way to release or kick him out. Is there any way to be rid of him short of reloading an old save?

    submitted by /u/ImperatorIndicus
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    Some questions abaout in the name of jerusalem mod

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:05 PM PST

    Today i installed that mod and... wow is fucking amazing the best mod i have ever played. But i had some minor problems and i know if it is normal:

    I used linux ubuntu as OS so maybe is not the best way ti have a clean installation.

    -it is normal that i cant recruit troops in the villages -either i dont find any companions in tabern, this mod have companions -the music doesnt play at battle and its really a same cause the soundtrack is fucking amazing - i cant upgrade the vast mayority of troops is that normal?

    If any of you know abaout this mod please let me know and sorry for my bad english.

    submitted by /u/alekei11
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